




My Summer Vacation Plan

I'm so excited about my summer vacation plan! This year, I'm going to explore the beautiful and historic city of Beijing. I have heard so much about its amazing attractions, such as the Great Wall, the Forbidden City, and the Summer Palace. I can't wait to visit these iconic landmarks and learn about China's rich cultural heritage.

Besides sightseeing, I also plan to immerse myself in the local culture. I'm going to try traditional Chinese dishes like Peking duck and dumplings, and maybe even learn how to make them myself. I'm also eager to go shopping in the bustling markets and buy some unique souvenirs for my friends and family.

But it's not all about tourism and food! I also want to improve my language skills while I'm in Beijing. I've enrolled in a Mandarin language course where I will learn basic conversational phrases and how to write Chinese characters. I believe this will be a valuable experience that will broaden my horizons and open up new opportunities in the future.

In addition to all these activities, I plan to make new friends from different parts of the world. I'll be staying in a youth hostel and participating in group activities, which will provide a great opportunity to socialize and learn about different cultures.

To make the most of my time in Beijing, I've created a detailed itinerary. Each day will be filled with exciting adventures and new discoveries. I can't wait to explore the ancient alleys of the city, ride a traditional rickshaw, and attend a Chinese opera performance.

Overall, my summer vacation plan is packed with fun and enriching experiences. I can't wait for the adventure to begin and create lifelong memories in Beijing.