



Throughout its existence of more than 150 years the Expo will bring new knowledge from a specific period of time and trend of development reflecting the human civilization. The main attractions of the first session of the World Expo in 1851 in the Crystal Palace in London: almost 500 meters long palace built of cast iron and glass. Subsequently the participating countries will offer similar advantages to introduce from time to time every few years.

Today EXPO is the economic and cultural Olympiad of the world a competition among nations as well as among exhibitors from the private sector on a given subject. At the same time it is about marketing countries internationally. Expositions of the first category last a maximum of 6 months and may be held on an enormous area. But at a time when information as well as goods can be had through the internet and other technologies they remain a place of rendezvous and of authentic experiences.



Now, I am a middle school student in grade nine. It’s also the last year of middle school. Therefore, I must work harder this year because I want to get good scores in the senior school entrance exam. From this semester, I get up earlier than before because I want to do some more readings. After lunch, I also spend some time in study. I usually review the knowledge I learn in the morning. After dinner, I have class in school until 21:30. It’s for students to autonomous learning. Our teachers would come to the classroom, if we have any questions we could ask them. After school, I do not study at home. I think a good rest is important for me, so I go to bed early at night. Besides, due to the exam, I spend much less time in entertainment. I don’t think it’s bad for me, because a good senior school is my priority now. I must pay my most attention to it.



The winter vacation I had dreamed all year around was finally coming. And I really enjoyed a lot from it.

The first thing I did was I made a plan for my study. I assigned my homework equally according to the holidays so that I can finish all of them in time. I also arranged myself the books and words I need to read and recite.

Secondly, I took some extracurricular activities and read some English original reading. My favorite book is , written by Sherlock Holmes. Among all the classical movies, the Sound of Music was the most exciting one. During my holidays I also made some assistance for my physical class teacher, surely I met lots of difficulties in this stage and from which I knew what perseverance really was.

Lastly, I went to the temple fair and was lucky to taste several Chinese traditional dishes; “Jiaohua chicken” is one of them. It is said it originated from Hangzhou centuries ago, made by a famous beggar Hong Qi Gong, the senior leader of Beggar Gang.Steamed with fresh lotus leaf wrapped up,it is famous for its special aroma and taste.

Now that the holiday is ending and a new semester is coming, I need to fresh up and get started to embrace the upcoming challenges.


I have many hobbies such as sports singing playing the violin and keeping a diary.


In school I often hear the P.E. teacher say sports do good to one's health and will make one live longer. So I like sports very much. I go running at five o'clock in the morning and after classes in the afternoon. I play pingpong with my friends. These sports have kept me healthy.


At home I like to sing and play the violin. I hope I will be a singer and a violinist when I grow up. In order to attain these goalsI go to the teacher's home for a lesson every Saturday and practise singing and playing the violin every day. Busy as I am I am quite happy.


Of all my hobbies I like reading books best. In my bedroom there are nearly six hundred books. There are story books textbooks magazines and others. When I grow up I will serve the people with the knowledge I have learned from them.



I live in a happy, happy family, home have father, mother and me. In this happy family with many, many happy things.

One thing, I still can't forget. In my birthday that night, my father bought me a birthday cake, I saw the cake on the table, the saliva can not help to flow out, saw the beautiful cake, have a kind of to eat, so beautiful, really don't have the heart to, is I make a choice between don't eat and eat, dad, closing the bright lights in the room was dark, immediately father lit the candles on the birthday cake, all of a sudden, the candle is opened entirely, become a flower, and the sound of the music of happy birthday, our whole family around the table singing "happy birthday to you" in the song, the song echoed in the house for a long time, I began to blow the candle, I silently made a good wishes, I will blow out all the candles at a stretch. I smiled happily, father to cut the cake, I give to my father, my mother each a, looked at daddy, mother, taste with relish, look at my gorge, mouth has touched a lot of cream, if got his white beard. I am very happy, mom and dad are happy or not on the mouth, sweet in the house also came from time to time, happy laughter. This is my home, love my mom and dad, they pay a lot for home, all my love and everything.


My school life can be rich! And friends in the school study together, play together, eat together, cleaning. Every day have a happy, fulfilling. I was lucky enough to get along with classmate in a big family.

We read the text together in the classroom every morning, morning reaidng once we again together in class. In class, we like again became a Nemesis, wish the teacher show his name, let oneself to speak. That is how we, in every class.

I remember when I was in the most happiness, is I spit in the classroom, my good friends and no don't care about me, to take paper towel items to me, let myself wiping his clothes. Strength of the students came to outside of the classroom to take the mop pool, give off something I spit on the ground to clean, and rub the ground bright as day. This made me feel very gratified. Even when I was at home some classmates or ask me to never mind. I did reply one by one, they are also very hope I can get back to this family. The influence of this thing for me is very big.


In this big family I very happy. Over time is the "children", our class has two students in the class to open a birthday party, then the happy moments in our class is coming again.

I love the family, love my campus life with my classmates and friends!



My Future Plans

In the future, I have big plans for myself. Firstly, I aspire to pursue higher education and attend a reputable university. I will work diligently to achieve excellent grades and participate in extracurricular activities to enhance my skills and broaden my horizons.

After completing my academic journey, I aim to embark on a professional career in the field of computer science. I am passionate about coding and innovative technologies, so I plan to specialize in software development. I believe that by undertaking internships and gaining practical experience, I will be well-prepared for the challenges that lie ahead.

Furthermore, I have an ardent desire to travel and explore different cultures. I believe that experiencing diverse environments and interacting with people from various backgrounds will provide me with invaluable life lessons. I plan to visit places such as Europe, Africa, and South America, immersing myself in their rich histories and vibrant traditions.

Alongside my personal goals, I also wish to contribute to society. I believe in the importance of giving back, so I intend to volunteer my time and skills to charitable organizations. Whether it be assisting in educational programs, environmental conservation initiatives, or providing aid in disaster-stricken areas, I want to make a positive impact on the lives of others.

Moreover, I aim to maintain a balanced lifestyle by focusing on my physical and mental well-being. Regular exercise, such as jogging and yoga, will be part of my routine to keep my body active and healthy. Additionally, practicing mindfulness and engaging in activities that bring me joy, such as painting and playing musical instruments, will help me stay mentally refreshed.

In conclusion, these are my detailed and vivid future plans. They encompass academic pursuits, a career in computer science, exploring different cultures, contributing to society, and maintaining a balanced lifestyle. I firmly believe that with determination, dedication, and perseverance, I will be able to turn these aspirations into reality.



My Weekend Plans

This weekend, I have an exciting and eventful plan to make the most of my free time. On Saturday morning, I will lace up my running shoes and head out for a refreshing jog in the nearby park. The crisp morning air and the beautiful scenery will surely invigorate me for the day ahead.

Later in the afternoon, I will meet up with my friends for a picnic near the lake. We will bring along a variety of delicious sandwiches, fruits, and snacks to indulge in. While lounging on the grass, we will play card games and chat about our week. This relaxed gathering will help us bond and unwind from the pressures of daily life.

On Sunday, I have enrolled in a photography workshop. I will grasp the opportunity to explore my passion for photography and learn new techniques from a professional photographer. Armed with my camera, I will capture the vibrant colors and captivating moments of nature, enhancing my skills and creating lasting memories.

In the evening, I plan to watch a movie with my family. We will select a comedy that will make us laugh and enjoy quality time together. Popping a big bowl of popcorn and snuggling up on the couch will add to the cozy atmosphere and create a joyful family bonding experience.

As the weekend draws to a close, I will dedicate some time to relaxation and self-care. I will immerse myself in an engrossing novel that I have longed to read. With a warm cup of tea by my side, I will embark on a literary journey, getting lost in the author's words and forgetting the world around me.

In conclusion, my weekend is filled with various activities that will provide the ideal blend of physical activity, socializing, learning, relaxation, and enjoyable moments with family and friends. I am eagerly looking forward to stepping into this adventure and making the most of my time off.



My Future Plan

In the near future, I am determined to pursue a career in medicine. After completing high school, I plan to attend a reputable university to obtain a medical degree. I aspire to become a doctor, as I believe it is a noble profession that allows me to serve humanity.

During my university years, I intend to focus on my studies, attending lectures, and conducting thorough research. I plan to excel in my coursework, particularly in the biological sciences, anatomy, and physiology. Furthermore, I will participate in various medical clubs and organizations to enhance my knowledge and practical skills.

Upon completion of my medical degree, I aim to specialize in pediatric medicine. I have always had a passion for working with children and providing them with the care they need. I envision myself working tirelessly to ensure that every child receives the best medical attention and guidance throughout their growth and development.

To achieve my long-term goal of working as a pediatrician, I plan to undertake a residency program at a renowned children's hospital. This will provide me with invaluable hands-on experience and exposure to a wide range of childhood illnesses and treatments. I will dedicate myself to learning from experienced doctors and observing medical procedures to enhance my skills and knowledge.

In addition to my professional life, I also envision settling down and starting a family of my own. I believe that maintaining a work-life balance is crucial for personal happiness and mental well-being. Being a doctor requires a significant commitment of time and energy, but I am determined to manage both my career and family effectively.

In conclusion, my future plan revolves around a career in medicine, specifically in pediatric medicine. I am focused on acquiring the necessary qualifications, gaining practical experience, and ultimately becoming a skilled and compassionate doctor dedicated to providing the best care for children. Alongside my professional endeavors, I aim to create a harmonious and fulfilling personal life.



My Future Goals

In the journey of life, it is crucial to have aspirations and dreams that drive us forward. Personally, my ultimate goal is to become a renowned architect. Ever since I was a child, I have been fascinated by the concept of designing magnificent structures that blend seamlessly with their surroundings.

To achieve my dream, I am currently pursuing a degree in architecture at a prestigious university. During my education, I am immersing myself in theoretical knowledge and practical experiences, such as participating in various design competitions and internships. These opportunities offer me valuable insights into the intricacies of the field.

In addition to my academic endeavors, I am also passionate about continuously expanding my skill set. I am learning different software and design programs that aid in the creation of detailed blueprints and three-dimensional models. Moreover, I frequently visit architectural landmarks, internationally and domestically, to observe the harmonious fusion of art and science.

To propel my career further, I plan to work at renowned architectural firms and collaborate with visionary professionals. This will provide me with exposure to different design philosophies, diverse cultures, and cutting-edge technologies. I aim to specialize in sustainable architecture, incorporating eco-friendly elements into my designs to preserve the environment for future generations.

Furthermore, I aspire to travel extensively, visiting iconic structures worldwide. Exploring architectural wonders, such as the Sydney Opera House and the Taj Mahal, will broaden my perspective and ignite my creativity. By immersing myself in different cultures and historical contexts, I can better appreciate the artistry and craftsmanship behind each structure, thus enhancing my own proficiency in the field.

In conclusion, my future goal revolves around becoming a distinguished architect. I am determined to establish a successful career that leaves a lasting impact on the architectural landscape. Through continuous learning, acquiring new skills, and exploring diverse global structures, I believe I can realize my ambition and contribute to the evolution of architectural design.



When I first met Mr. Zhang, she gave me a serious face, my heart is very uncomfortable, what is with great care. Afraid of doing something wrong. Then we and Zhang live a long time, I know that Mr. Zhang is in fact a kind and amiable amiable and easy of approach, a good teacher. She care about each student, to give our support and encouragement, usually Zhang always careful to teach us, made a mistake, she called our office serious to tell us the truth, before the exam, Mr. Zhang will always remind us over and over again careful to do, check. Because I be negligent, Zhang often find my heart, let me full of confidence to the answer. The teacher is teaching me you taste the fun from learning, learning in fun.


The teacher! You work so hard, like a candle, burning themselves slowly. To put their knowledge to give us all, she will lay down their hearts. This reminds me of a song, "every time I pass the window of teacher" "silent night the stars shining in the night bright window, the teacher......"


Zhang ah! These past few years you've been hard to take care of us, here I want to say: "teacher, you have worked hard!" , wish you a happy Teacher's day.