
作文题为时尚的魅力 The Charm of Fashion满分英语作文


高中英语作文是我们学习中的一大重点,你一定希望自己写作的时候行如流水。优秀的作文究竟是怎样抒写的?下面是小编为大家推荐这篇名为《作文题为时尚的魅力 The Charm of Fashion满分英语作文》的文章,希望是大家的不无小补!

Every girl wants to look beautiful, because it means that they are the shining stars and catch other people's attention. Chasing fashion is the common way for them to be beautiful. Fashion helps a homely looking girl to find confidence. In most movies, the heroines at first are nobodies, who dresses in the horrible way and nobody cares about them. But as they grow up and start to make themselves look different. People around them began to notice them and made friends with them. It is the confidence that makes these girls find the new ones and make a difference. Though people say the real beauty is from inside instead of outside, it is indeed of great importance for people to dress tidy, because appearance is other's first impression. So there is no need to refuse to chase fashion, if we are positive to life, why not follow it.



作文题为包饺子 Making Dumplings满分英语作文

My mother is good at making dumplings and I love the flavor she makes. So every time when I see her making dumplings in the quick way, I think it is such an easy thing for me. Last week, I decided to learn making dumplings from my mother and it was such a valuable experience for me. Before starting the main step, kneading the dough took me a really long time. My mother told me that it was a very important step, just like the base of a building. I did not do the base work well, so I passed it and came to make dumpling directly. My mother finished one dumpling only three seconds, but when I made the packaging of one dumpling. It was so hard to close well, and the meat went out. I never expected that making a dumpling would be so hard.


作文题为新的自己 The New Me满分英语作文

As a high school student, I am always confused about myself. I want to catch other people's attention, I think most girls will have such desire. So when I see the girls look so beautiful, I am so longing to be one of them. I start to lose my weight and try not to eat the delicious food. What's more, I spend a lot of money to buy clothes. My friends have felt my change and some boys look at me, I feel so happy. But in the long run, I feel lost, my friends and I are not that close anymore. I can't focus attention on my study, then I feel annoyed. I decide to give up losing weight and dressing beautiful clothes. Everything is back on the track. I feel relieved and easy. This is the new me and the real me.


作文题为理想的职业 The Ideal Career满分英语作文

When people ask me what kind of job I want to work on in the future, my answer is to be a teacher, which is my ideal job. I like to pass knowledge to next generation and lead them to find their own place in the world. What’s more, I can live near my families, so I can go home often and enjoy the dinner with them. I don't want to work far away from my parents, because money can't make up the time we stay together. When I become a teacher, I will have the long vacation, then I plan to travel around the world. The place I visit will bring me a lot of knowledge and open my vision. I will show what I learn to my students and let them know more about the world. I must fight for my ideal career.


作文题为爱国 Loving One's Country满分英语作文

Since I went to school, the teachers always told us to love our motherland, because we were born here and its culture was very profound, so that we also should be proud of being part of it. I kept this in my heart, but one day, I read some negative information from foreign websites. These articles criticized China and the government. What’s more, there were so many foreigners making bad comments about the Chinese government, some even to criticized the people. But as our country became stronger and more foreigners came to visit, they started to change their idea and fell in love with this big old country. I realized that no country was perfect, even America faced many problems. We have the long history and different culture, which make this country so attractive. I love my country.
