
2023写作推荐 my father高中英语文章之五


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Father was my first teacher and is my dear friend. When I was a little girl, I used to sit on my fathers knees, listening to his stories. The storyTwo friends and a Beartold mea friend in need is a friend indeed.I will never forget the storyMadame Curiewhich tells me a truthwhere there is a will,there is a way.Fathers stories enriched my life and did a lot of good to my growth.When I was seven years old,I started primary school.I was young,so my father picked me up from school every day.On the way,I told father everything that happened at school.Father listened carefully and always smiled happily. Sometimes I sang a beautiful song. My sweet and lovely voice gave my father the greatest pride.My father is always proud of me. He hopes I will make great progress in my study. Now I have made up my mind to study harder and harder.Im sure my fathers love will lead me to my success and I will love him forever! my father


我的改变 My Change高中英语作文

Since I went to high school, my parents moved to the city that was near my school. Moving to the new environment meant I had to give up a lot of things, such as my dear old friends and the beautiful scenery. At first, I learned to get used to the strange environment. When I have time, I would walk around the street, trying to get familiar with the shops and streets. Then I found some interesting places, like the small coffee shop. I could read books there. The shop provided many books. As I had not many friends, I felt lonely here, but my classmates were very nice. They helped me to solve problems. Now I have made many good friends and feel like at home in this big city. I will find more surprises here.


我的同桌 My Deskmate高中英语作文

The first day I came to high school, I met my deskmate. She was the first person I got to know in the school. So I counted on her so much. She was a very nice person and took me to look around the new environment. She has one thing that impresses me so much, which is her tough spirit. When we worked in a group, sometimes I wanted to give up the task, because it was a little difficult to finish, but my deskmate would encourage me not to give up. She said we could finish. At last, we solved the problems. Now I won’t give up easily, because I remember what my deskmate has taught me. I am so lucky to make friends with a nice person, and the things I learn from her will be very useful in my life.


有关我的恐惧 My Fear高中英语作文

I like watching horror movie. My friends admire me for this reason. But before, I was very afraid of horrible things, like ghost story, even in the dark would scare me. I remembered that as a-three-year old girl, I beg my mother to tell me the story before I went to bed. Some day, she told me a story about a girl disappeared in the dark. Then in the dream, I could think of the darkness that wanted to cover me. For some time, when I went upstairs at night, I felt so scared. I would rush to my room and then went to sleep soon. As I grew up, I conquered my fear by watching horror movies. I knew the ghost did not exist, and the real fear was from our heart.
