
作文题为辣妈 The Hot Moms满分英语作文


语文学习中一定遇到了初中英语作文的题目,写作能力的培养十分重要。行如流水的作文是怎样写出来的?这篇关于《作文题为辣妈 The Hot Moms满分英语作文》的文章能帮助你在写作方面突飞猛进!

In the traditional view, a woman needs to sacrifice a lot when she marries. For example, she has to quit the job and give birth to a baby, which makes her look older and not that beautiful anymore. But in the modern society, the new moms change people's idea. A lot of mothers look still young and beautiful. They have done some work to keep the body shape and take regular exercise, no matter how busy they are. I admire these woman, some even make her career so well. They find the balance between family and work, which makes them charming all the time. The hot moms deserve the girls to learn from them.



作文题为分享的意义 The Meaning of Sharing满分英语作文

I am the only child in my family, so my parents give me all the things I want. I feel so satisfied with the life I owned. One day, I came to my friend's birthday party. After she made a wish and blew the candle, I couldn't wait eating the cake. I took a piece of cake quickly and enjoyed the delicious flavor. Suddenly, I saw my friend was splitting the cake and heading it to others. Seeing my friends sharing the things together, I realized I should ask their opinions. Since then, I learned an important lesson. Sharing promotes communication and creates a harmonious environment.


作文题为我的老师 My Teacher满分英语作文

The first day when I started my middle school life, I felt so lonely, because I didn’t know anyone who was around me. My teacher Miss Li was like our parent, and she arranged everything for us. The first lesson she gave was to let us introduce each other, soon we became familiar with each other. Miss Li was very good at telling jokes. She made the atmosphere so lively and funny. We laughed out loudly. I was no longer feeling lonely and made many friends. Miss Li is favored by everyone. She is such a nice teacher. I am so lucky to be one of her students.
