
以从电影学到的东西 The Things I Learn From Movies为题的作文


你一定是为了初中英语作文而来,写作文并不是一件简单轻松的事。也希望自己写作文时文不加点?下面是小编为大家推荐这篇名为《以从电影学到的东西 The Things I Learn From Movies为题的作文》的文章,希望是大家的不无小补!

I like to watch movies so much. Since I was very small, I have watched a lot of movies. Some people think that it is a waste of time on this amusement, then I can tell them they think in the wrong way. Watching movies is a good way to learn things. When I finish watching the movie, I will scan the comments on the Internet, then the analysis of the movie helps me understand the movie better. What's more, I also learn the culture. Like the movie Mummy, I learn the Egypt culture. When I search more information, I feel like reading a history book. Watching movie is a funny way to learn knowledge.



以一张来自朋友的明信片 A Post Card From My Friend为题的作文

Last week, I received a post card from my friend, which was from Thailand, I felt so excited, because I always wanted to travel abroad. So I was so eager to talk to my friend. She showed me the sceneries. I found different sceneries in different cities. For the first time, I saw the outside world so closely. I want to explore the world and know more about this planet. I realized the importance of learning English. If I master more words, then I can communicate with the local people and learn about their culture. From now on, I must study hard. When I have the chance to travel abroad, I can have a trip.


我们缺失的东西 The Things We Lack of 优秀英语作文

Success seems to be so far away from the ordinary people. When they look at the great persons, they console themselves that the lack of chance and talent makes them different from the successful ones. Actually, the things we lack of is patience. When we make plans, we are easy to give up when we meet difficulties. In the end, even the chance is coming, we don't have enough ability to accept. As the saying that failure is the mother of success, which means success comes when we get over many setbacks. The result is not important. The things we learn will finally make us different someday.


以爱 Love为题的作文

The theme of love is always around people. It is the power to help people to move on, so when we meet difficulty, love from our families and friends can help us to get over it. Love for animals and nature are easy to be ignored by us. The news reported some people abandoned their pets or killed animals, which was such brutal. What's more, look at the environment we live today. It has been polluted badly. Nature punished human being by all kinds of natural disasters, so protecting animals and environment is loving ourselves. When we get along with animals and nature, the world will become better.


以撒谎 Telling Lies为题的作文

We are educated to be an honest person and it is the precious merit. But no one can be honest all the time. We will tell lies to cover the mistakes we have made or sometimes we are not telling the truth for making others feeling better. Once I lied to my parents and I realized it was not good to do it. I told my parents I stayed the night at my friend’s home. In fact, we hanged out for fun until midnight. When I saw the horrible things happened in midnight, I realized I should not tell lies to my parents. They will concern about my safety. Since then, I would not lie to my parents anymore.


以礼物 Present为题的作文

Every time when my birthday comes, I will be very excited, because I can receive all kinds of surprises from both my parents and friends. Last week, I spent a happy weekend with my parents. We traveled to another city and made the short tour as my birthday present. We took the train and my parents sat aside the window. They explained the names of the trees and flowers to me. Sometimes they talked about their old times and laughed out loudly. When we arrived the city, we saw the tourist sites and went shopping, what a wonderful thing. This trip is the best present for me, I learned a lot.


以感恩老师 Be Grateful to Teachers 为题的作文

Since I went to school, I spent a lot of time in study. My classmates and teachers are just like my families. We almost meet each other every day. My teachers help me a lot. When I meet problems in study, they are very patient and help me to figure out the answers. When I have trouble in getting along with other students, they will talk to me and comfort me. I am so thankful to them, because they care about me just like my parents. I respect them so much. In my heart, they are the great people. I must study hard so that I can return their love.


以升国旗 Raising Flag为题的作文

Since I go to school, every Monday, the school has the tradition to hold the ceremony of raising flag. At this moment, when I hear the national anthem, a sense of pride will arise in my heart. I am so proud of my country. Nowadays, the world is watching China, because it plays an important role in the world. Every decision that the government has made catches the media's attention. The foreign media try to understand the key of the great development of Chinese economy. There is no doubt that our country has become much stronger, and every Chinese will be very proud of being part of it. I must study hard, so that I can make a contribution to the society.


以新时尚 New Trend为题的作文

China is a developing country. Many years ago, I remembered seeing a lot of news about criticizing how Chinese people copied the advanced technology of developed countries. Nowadays, things have changed. There are some technologies that are created by Chinese people, which leads the new trend. Online payment is the most famous change. Alipay and Wechat are the most popular ways to pay bills and they can be used almost everywhere. When foreigners come to China, they are surprised by the new trend and can't believe this country could take the lead in online payment. We are so proud of this big country. Though it is still on the process of developing, we believe it will become stronger.


以真实的我 The Real Me为题的作文

When people ask me to introduce myself, my mind is always got blank, because I have no idea what the real me is. I start to think about this question and figure out my true color. First of all, I like to take exercise and do many sports, such as jogging and tennis. My favorite sport is basketball. I am good at English and Chinese, but I am weak in math. I have made some plans and want to improve myself with my friends' help. In the future, I want to be a teacher and pass my knowledge to students. So from now on, I must study hard and fight for my future goal.


以胜似亲人 More Than A Family为题的作文

There is an old woman lives next to my house. She lives alone because her only son works in another city and can’t go home often. So every day when I go home after school, I can see her sitting in the main gate and chat with others happily. She is very kind. One time, I forgot to bring my key, so I had to sit in the main gate. She talked to me and gave me some snacks. Since then, we became friends. I always talked with her about my problems and she could offer me some ideas. Now my parents often invite her to have dinner with us. She is like a family to us.
