
有关马戏团The Circus英语范文


写好英语作文是初高中学生都应该掌握的技能。我们在写英语作文的时候可以学习一些优质英语作文的写作手法,坚持写作文可以提高我们的文笔和丰富内心情感,好的作文能够体现作者的中心思想,那么有哪些优秀的英语作文是能给我们参考的呢?下面是小编精心收集整理,为你带来的有关马戏团The Circus英语范文,请马上收藏本页,以方便再次阅读!









奥黛丽赫本出生于1929年5月4日在布鲁塞尔,比利时,与面包车是Edda Kathleen Heemstra赫本拉斯顿的名字。她是贵族,从与她的父亲,一个富有的英国银行家,母亲是荷兰女男爵。父母离婚后,赫本去伦敦与她的母亲,她去一家私立女子学校。后来,当她的母亲返回荷兰,她参加了私立学校。而与她在荷兰阿纳姆,母亲度假时,希特勒的军队突然接管了城镇。正是在这里,她处于困难时期,在纳粹占领。奥黛丽患有抑郁症和营养不良。解放后,赫本去了一个奖学金,在伦敦芭蕾舞学校,后来开始了模特生涯。作为一名模特,她的仪态优雅,看起来,她找到了她一生的位置 - 直到电影制片人打来电话。在被制片人发现,她签约到一个小角色,欧洲电影荷兰语7减少(1948年)于1948年。后来,她在1951年电影,年轻的妻子的故事(1951)作为一个除夕莱斯特说作用。的部分仍然是不多,所以她前往美国去那里试试运气。

奥黛丽赫本与她在美国的作用在1953年罗马假日(1953年)的引人注目。这部电影竟然是一个了不起的成功,她因此而获得了奥斯卡最佳女主角奖。这赢得了她巨大的声望,更梅花角色。为她受欢迎的原因之一是事实,她是如此喜欢和上流精灵不像性的时间女神。罗马假日是另一部同样在1957年经典搞笑的精彩表现之后脸(1957)。和Sabrina(1954),在1954年,她获得了一个奥斯卡奖提名,并在下午(1957年),爱在1957年,也获得好评如潮。 1959年,她还收到她在_Nun的故事角色(1959年)一次提名。奥黛丽达到了她事业的顶峰时,她扮演霍莉,在愉快的电影,在Tiffany的(1961)于1961年早餐。这次她又获得一次提名。小贝贝的最闪亮的角色,一个是在窈窕淑女优良的生产(1964)在1964年。她合演雷克斯哈里森曾被问及他最喜爱的女主角。他毫不犹豫地回答说奥黛丽赫本在我美丽的夫人。经过其他电影的情侣,她打的污垢和其他提名薪酬在1967年的等到天黑(1967)。

到了60年代末,她和演员梅尔费勒离婚,想决定退休,而她在上面了。后来她嫁给博士安德烈多迪。不时,她会出现在银幕上。其中的一部电影是罗宾和玛丽安肖恩康纳利(1976)于1976年。 1988年,奥黛丽赫本成为一个特殊的驻联合国儿童基金会帮助拉丁美洲和非洲,这一立场一直做到1993年的儿童。她被任命为人民作为最美丽的50人在世界上一本杂志。她的最后一部电影总是在1989年(1989年)。奥黛丽赫本死于1993年1月20日在洛桑,瑞士,结肠癌。她有过31部优秀的电影。她的优雅和风格将永远铭记在电影历史,她被任命为帝国杂志的全国百强电影中的所有时间之星就是明证。

有关好礼仪 The Good Manner 英语范文

People always say that the way a person treats the waiter decides what kind of person he is. I agree with it. My parents are polite persons. Since I was very small, they have educated me the manner. Like I shouldn’t talk while eating and talking loudly in public occasion is banned. The good manner helps me to be a better person.


有关敬老 About Respecting the Old英语范文

It is the traditional merit to respect the old in China. Since I was very small, I received the education that young people should respect the old without any question. I kept it in my heart and showed respect to the old people all the time. But as I grew up and with the development of Internet, media exposed the negative side of the old people. They were rude and impolite sometimes, some of them took it for granted that young people should serve to them. So people start to think about whether it was worthy giving priority to the old. In my opinion, it is the adorable behavior that deserves to be respected, instead of the age. When old people were rude, they also needed to face the public's criticism. Only the multi-respect can help people better communicate.



A bird in a cage, the free space is infinite, they like the frog in well spend in narrow space, not their own free life.

Each time I see them, they think, feel with the other.

Every day to stay in his own study, although the book is my partner, can let I dare not to mind empty, but sometimes standing to the window and saw the children of the same age with me on the ground to play, there is sweet smile on her face, in the heart how envy.

So, every day I see it, and have a headache, how much I yearn for freedom, I hate being at home, live a life they want, how perfect it is!!!

"The birds have belong to own sky, fish have belong to own lake, the grass has belongs to own the land, the flowers have their own sunshine, why can't I have my own life?" My time of day, but god is one of my speaker, what can he reach to me?

Freedom, how much I yearn for freedom, if one day, I walked alone in the wilderness of fragrant, let the wind blowing my hair, as the grass on my feet, as the sun on my face, I will always be walking without the light of day, when one day, I went to the sea to the sea to speak my mind, pick up a conch tell my secret about it, have a dream that one day someone picked up it, slowly to get the ears to listen to tell my story, unknowingly going the rounds and mom, dad, you may hear this story? If I understand my heart, give me a piece of my own perfect life, give me that you want freedom?

Have you heard the story?

"Sometimes, I also want to be free!" I loudly Shouting, bouts of echo in my ears. How I hope to have a free world!









有关未来的汽车 The Future Car 英语范文

Many years ago, I saw an interesting movie. It pictured the future life that people could fly in the sky by cars. Of course, I don't think it will happen in the coming time. The change in cars is about the energy. It is said that the cars will use both electricity and gasoline, which can reduce pollution. I think it is a great change for cars. More and more people have cars now and the gas they release brings heavy pollution to the air, which damages our health. The cars can use electricity in the long trip. When it runs out of it, then gasoline can be a substitute.


有关喝热水 Drinking Hot Water英语范文

When I am sick, the doctor always asks me to drink more hot water. Now, drinking hot water has been most people’s habit, while my uncle tells me that the foreign people get used to drinking cold water. This is very different. As I am so curious the world, I want to travel around the world someday.
