
关于我的妈妈 My Mother小学英语作文


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As Mothers'Day is coming soon, I want to do something special for my mother. In my heart, my mother is very great. She takes care of me all the time. Sometimes when I am naughty, though she is angry, she chooses to talk to me very patiently instead of yelling at me. I love my mother, she is an angel in my heart.



以我的妈妈 My Mother为题的作文

If people ask me what kind of job is the greatest work in the world, I will tell them housewife job. My mother is doing this work, she gives up her career because the family needs someone to take care. She takes care of my daily life and clean the house. It is such a difficulty but boring work. Only the one with love and patience can do it. I am so thankful to my mother.


关于我的梦想 My Dream英语作文

As a small girl, many teachers have asked me what do I want to be in the future. My answer is always to be a teacher. It is my dream and I study so hard to realize it. Being a teacher can pass the knowledge to others and guide them to the right way. Thinking about the great contribution I would make, everything is worthy.
