
关于我的演讲 My Speech优秀英语作文


你肯定有写初中英语作文的时候,到这里来的目的一定是想提升自己的学习。面对作文题材时文笔不动?那么下面是执笔作文网精选的《关于我的演讲 My Speech优秀英语作文》内容定会对你有所帮助。

A week ago, my Chinese teacher gave us a task. Each one needed to give a speech before the class began. I felt so nervous and practiced many times. When it was my turn to stand in the stage, I felt my hands and my legs were shaking. My classmates clapped their hands and gave me the courage. As I started my speech, I felt much better and later I had already forgot about my bad emotion. When I finished, I felt relieved. I knew I was not doing perfectly, but it was a good experience for me. I would make progress step by step and someday I would be strong.



关于我的英语老师 My English Teacher优秀英语作文

English is the necessary subject to learn. Since I went to school, I have to learn it. But I am not interested in it because I can't find how useful it is. Two months ago, there was a new English teacher taught us, I realized that her teaching method was very different. Before the lesson, she would let us to listen to the English songs, or sometimes we needed to do role play. It was so funny for us. We were very interested in the songs. Sometimes we could enjoy the movie, which just opened my eyes. I saw a different world. I wanted to learn English well and then search the world.


关于我的舞台 My Stage 满分英语作文

I was a shy girl and I never dared to make performance in the public, but everything will have the exception. Last week, our English teacher gave us a job. All students needed to make performance in group. I was chosen to be the protagonist in my team. At first, I told them that I couldn’t make it, but they believed that I was the suitable person. So I practised hard and tried to get over my fear. It was my stage. I stood in front of my classmates. With my teammates, I finished my job. I felt so cool and dared to face so many people.


关于我对手机的看法 My View on Cell Phone优秀英语作文

Cell phone has been the indispensable part of our life today. For many students, they bring cell phone to school, which annoys many teachers, because the students are not listening to them when they are passing the knowledge. Actually, this situation can't all blame students and teachers have some duty. If they find the attractive way to show knowledge, surely students will focus their attention. It is not possible to ask students to hand in their cell phones, as they get used to using it. Most students will not play cell phone in the classroom, because they know their duty. For the students who can't focus their attention, even without cell phone, they still don't want to study.
